
OKsystem presented its new project in New York

OKsystem news

February 11, 2013

On 31 January 2013 at the Bohemian National Hall in New York was held an event called "Disrupt, Innovate, Collaborate. Win. Repeat ... " and OKsystem was one of the organizers. On this specialized event was introduced OKstartLAB project, which is a joint effort of OKsystem New York office and local consulting firm BK Advisory.

Put together by the leading Czech IT company OKsystem (voted a top-100 company in the Czech Republic), BK Advisory Group and the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in NYC, the event attracted over 80 participants who had a chance to hear from nine start-ups (Elluva, Gamma, MediaJobs, Follr, Rawporter, Mazeltov, MsGlocal, DomainSkate, Dilligence Engine) and five panellists/advisers (D. Kinnear, D. Meachin, D. Klein, T. Cohen, K. McCormack) and to interact with investors and market-makers. Office of the Mayor Bloomberg was represented by Mr. Carlton Vann, Director of the Division of International Business.

In the autumn of 2012 OKsystem founded in New York his dealership in cooperation with the BK Advisory and with other partners we develop several projects.

For more information about the event, please visit The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in NY.

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