
Checkbot in a robotic classroom at SPŠE Ječná

OKsystem news

November 16, 2021

Together with Yaskawa Czech we equipped a new, unique robotic classroom in Střední průmyslová škola Ječná with seven new robots Motomini and a full version of our Checkbot application for real-time monitoring and analysis of robot work. Students, future experts on robotics and automatization have a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience in a nearly real environment.

Partnership with SPŠE Ječná is another project of our social responsibility, in this case focusing the support on education.

Checkbot is an application for real-time monitoring and analysis of robot work. Thanks to our application, you get a detailed overview of the work and status of your technological resources in real-time, performed and scheduled maintenance, and thus more easily prevent potential problems in production management. You can find out in the video what Checkbot can do and what it helps with. For example our significant customer CS Borgers.


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