
Is having an HR system in the cloud advantageous?

Media presence

March 18, 2024

This was one of the questions that the editor of E15 Byznys asked OKbase's director, Vojtěch Klimeš. They discussed why more and more companies are transferring their employees' personal data to cloud storage, how this trend correlates with the development of entire HR systems, and what impact the new NIS-2 directive on cybersecurity may have on decision-making. He clearly sees the benefits of HR in the cloud - security, continuity, efficiency, and employee convenience. In his experience, these are the main reasons that will lead more and more companies to switch to cloud HR solutions. You can also find the full interview on (only in Czech language).

“The companies used to be afraid of the cloud before. Currently, they are even storing personal data there, “says the Head of Development at OKsystem.

Although just a few years ago this fact was unthinkable, nowadays companies are directing personal employee data towards cloud storage. It is primarily a matter of security but also convenience. “Implementing a single measure in a cloud environment is so much easier than distributing the same measure across hundreds or even thousands of client installations, “claims Vojtěch Klimeš. the head of development at OKsystem.

Why should businesses transition their personnel systems to the cloud? Is it a matter of safety?

Safety is crucial indeed. Professional cloud administrators continually enhance security measures and respond promptly to both potential and actual attacks. While the cloud provides immediate reactions, securing the client’s environment takes some time after all. Implementing a single measure in a cloud environment is much easier than distributing it to hundreds or even thousands of installations. Even a brief delay may pose a relatively significant risk.

Another reason for migration is also the development of entire systems. Nowadays, it is common for people to, for example, submit vacation requests via mobile phones. A mobile phone represents a big advantage, especially for workers in production who often do not have a computer nearby. There is also the possibility to arrange time off with the supervisor in the evening in case your child gets sick and send the request right away. Mobile phones, whether company-issued or private, usually do not have access to systems where these requests are submitted within companies. Well, this problem does not exist in the cloud.

Does it mean no possibility to submit such requests in writing anymore?

Employers typically offer both paper and online forms for individuals who do not work with computers. However, the online method is often more convenient and provides greater control over various processes. Income confirmation, tax declarations, and so on. For example, if you need to submit a confirmation to the HR department, all you have to do is take a photo of the document and upload it directly into the system. You do not have to print it out or take it somewhere, just nobody needs to do anything with it.

Is the approach of companies changing regarding the transition to the cloud, including their personnel?

Significantly. Just like many other aspects, this shift was also influenced by COVID-19. The need for remote communication with employees became imperative. On the whole, as I see it, nearly one hundred per cent of our clients, as well as personnel agenda, are steering towards cloud services. This would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Companies were concerned about the misuse of personnel data. Such data is confidential, and businesses do not wish anybody else to access it. The risk of internal misuse within a company is often much higher than that posed by external suppliers. We manage several companies, and for our employees, their data remains anonymous and devoid of personal identification. Knowing that a colleague earns three thousand CZK more, for example, can annoy you easily. However, discovering that someone in another company earns more than you do not bother you as much. Additionally, we have guarantees in our contracts. Violating them could cause us serious trouble.

It is different for clients who have on-premises solutions, meaning internal solutions. They have invested their money already, and even if they secure access for everyone they admit into the system, even if it is only to certain forms, and eliminate the need to innovate software and hardware, perform security updates, and manage many other tasks, they carefully consider the decision to transition to the cloud.

Does the cloud emerge as an interesting option cost-wise as well?

There is no straightforward answer to that. This is a topic for further discussion. I dare say that in most cases, it turns out to be more cost-effective. And it provides a transparent environment without hidden costs.

How will the new NIS-2 directive, concerning cybersecurity, affect you?

The directive has not been implemented into Czech law yet. Nevertheless, the National Cyber Security Authority expects its enactment very shortly. To make it even more simple, our primary focus will be ensuring that the state administration institutions we deal with have the best available cybersecurity measures. The implementation will primarily impact the state and its institutions, possibly followed by large companies, and then gradually extend to others. For instance, they will need to identify what security measures are required based on the directive. Surprisingly, this is not obvious nowadays. In any case, we are preparing for the upcoming innovation since tomorrow might be too late.

Vojtěch Klimeš is the Director of the Development Division at OKsystem company. He has been with OKsystem for about 15 years.

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