
OKsystem is the Czech national leader

Press Releases

January 3, 2023

In the Czech Leaders Awards project (OCL), we won the All-Republic Leader category in competition with 1,527 companies under the patronage of the leading Swiss financial consulting company Swiss Life Select. We also won first place within the Prague Capital Region.

Companies are nominated for the project based on the evaluation of the Cribis Index of CRIF – Czech Credit Bureau, which is the professional guarantor of the competition. 1,527 companies met the criteria of the competition, which are of Czech ownership, an annual turnover of more than 200 million crowns and at least 50 employees. From those, the expert jury together with the guarantor selected 111 finalists, almost half of which were family companies such as OKsystem. The winners of the individual categories were chosen based on the economic (70%) and personal evaluation (30%) of the expert jury.

According to the founder of the project and business platform Helas, Helena Kohoutová, just like in previous years, it turns out that the participating companies are the backbone of the domestic economy and ensure the economic and social stability of the Czech Republic. "More than ever, it is necessary to highlight the importance of these companies of ours, because they are the ones that can advance their business and keep the Czech economy going even in challenging situations," explains Helena Kohoutová. She adds that many of the participating companies were prepared for the current energy crisis thanks to a gentle approach to natural resources.

Martin Procházka, chairman of the board, accepted the award during the ceremony on behalf of OKsystem. "We appreciate the great award among purely Czech companies. Successes are brought by hundreds of our employees in many diverse projects. Thanks to this, we have satisfied customers and extraordinary economic results," said Martin Procházka. He specified that OKsystem used the recent covid crisis to speed up digitization in the state administration and for private clients and expanded its foreign activities through its subsidiaries.

According to Helena Kohoutová, the participating companies are important tax contributors and employers, and thus create a stable social climate and also support the development of their regions in the field of socio-social activities. In recent years, they have also been able to react quickly to adverse circumstances and flexibly find new solutions and innovate.

The Swiss company Swiss Life has become the patron of the new All-Republic Leader category. "Although we are a Swiss company, in our daily work we meet owners and managers of Czech companies and we know that doing business at any time requires courage, skill and is a big commitment to many people. Because of the leaders and successful companies, many people can live life according to their dreams," says Martin Adámek, Premium Financial Advisor at Swiss Life Select.

More information about the Czech Leader Award 2022.

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